Introduction to Monads

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We have seen various patterns of function composition:

  • The environment-passing style, in which an environment is passed down in recursive calls.
  • The store-passing style, in which a store is threaded in and out of every computation.
  • The continuation-passing style, in which every function call is a tail call.

Monads are way to abstract over such patterns of function composition.


Using monads, we can write code which can be parameterized to be in one of the styles above (or many others). Here is another common pattern of function composition. Suppose we have the following API of (nonsensical) functions:

def f(n: Int): String = "x"
def g(x: String): Boolean = x == "x"
def h(b: Boolean): Int = if (b) 27 else sys.error("error")

def clientCode = h(!g(f(27) + "z"))

Now suppose that these functions can possibly fail (say, because they involve remote communication). A common way to deal with such failures is to use the Option datatype:

def fOp(n: Int): Option[String] = if (n < 100) Some("x") else None
def gOp(x: String): Option[Boolean] = Some(x == "x")
def hOp(b: Boolean): Option[Int] = if (b) Some(27) else None

However, now the clientCode must be changed rather dramatically:

def clientCodeOp =
  fOp(27) match {
    case Some(x) => gOp(x + "z") match {
        case Some(y) => hOp(!y)
        case None => None
    case None => None

We see a kind of pattern in this code. We have a value of type Option[A], but the next function we need to call requires an A and produces an Option[B]. If the Option[A] value is None, then the whole computation produces None. If it is Some(x) instead, we pass x to the function.

We can capture this pattern in the form of a function:

def bindOption[A, B](a: Option[A], f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = a match {
  case Some(x) => f(x)
  case None => None

Using bindOption, we can rewrite the code above as follows:

def clientCodeOpBind =
  bindOption(fOp(27), (x: String) =>
    bindOption(gOp(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

Now suppose that our original client code was not h(!g(f(27) + "z")) but instead !g(f(27) + "z"). How can we express this with bindOption? This thing does not type check:

def clientCode =
  bindOption(f(27), (x: String) =>
    bindOption(g(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

One way to fix the situation is to insert a call to Some, like so:

def clientCode2Op =
  bindOption(fOp(27), (x: String) =>
    bindOption(gOp(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

While this works, it is incompatible with our original goal of abstracting over the function composition pattern, because the Some constructor exposes what kind of pattern we are currently dealing with. Hence let's abstract over it by adding a second function unit to our function composition interface:

def unit[A](x: A): Option[A] = Some(x)

def clientCode2OpUnit =
  bindOption(fOp(27), (x: String) =>
    bindOption(gOp(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

This looks better, but the types of unit and bindOption (and also the name, but we can of course change that) still reveal that we are dealing with the Option function-composition pattern. Let's abstract over the Option type constructor by turning the type constructor into a parameter. The resulting triple (type constructor, unit function, bind function) is called a monad. Certain conditions (the "monad laws") on unit and bind also need to hold to make it a true monad, but we'll defer a discussion of these conditions until later.

The Monad Interface

So here it is: The Monad interface.

trait Monad[M[_]] {
  def unit[A](a: A): M[A]
  def bind[A, B](m: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B]
  // The "monad laws":
  // 1) "unit" acts as a kind of neutral element of "bind", that is:
  //    1a) bind(unit(x), f) == f(x) and
  //    1b) bind(x, y => unit(y)) == x
  // 2) Bind enjoys an associative property
  //     bind(bind(x, f), g) == bind(x, y => bind(f(y), g))

Using this interface, we can now make clientCode depend only on this interface, but no longer on the Option type:

def clientCode2Op(m: Monad[Option]) =
  m.bind(fOp(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gOp(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

If the API is parametric in the monad, we can make the client code fully parametric, too. We model the monad object as an implicit parameter to save the work of passing on the monad in every call.

def fM[M[_]](n: Int)(using m: Monad[M]): M[String] = sys.error("not implemented")
def gM[M[_]](x: String)(using m: Monad[M]): M[Boolean] = sys.error("not implemented")
def hM[M[_]](b: Boolean)(using m: Monad[M]): M[Int] = sys.error("not implemented")

def clientCode2[M[_]](using m: Monad[M]) =
  m.bind(fM(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gM(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

For-Comprehension Syntax

All these nested calls to bind can make the code hard to read. Luckily, there is a notation called "monad-comprehension" to make monadic code look simpler. Monad-comprehensions are directly supported in Haskell and some other languages. In Scala, we can piggy-back on the "for-comprehension" syntax instead. A "for-comprehension" is usually used for lists and other collections. For instance:

val l = List(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
assert((for { x <- l; y <- x } yield y + 1) == List(2, 3, 4, 5))

The Scala compiler desugars the for-comprehension above into calls of the standard map and flatMap functions. That is, the above for-comprehension is equivalent to:

assert(l.flatMap(x => => y + 1)) == List(2, 3, 4, 5))

We will make use of for-comprehension syntax by supporting both flatMap (which is like bind) and map (which is like fmap). We support these functions by an implicit conversion to an object that supports these functions as follows:

extension [A, M[_]](m: M[A])(using mm: Monad[M])
  def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = mm.bind(m, (x: A) => mm.unit(f(x)))
  def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = mm.bind(m, f)

Using the new support for for-comprehension syntax, we can rewrite our client code as follows: Given the API from above,

def fOp(n: Int): Option[String] = if (n < 100) Some("x") else None
def gOp(x: String): Option[Boolean] = Some(x == "x")
def hOp(b: Boolean): Option[Int] = if (b) Some(27) else None

We can now rewrite this

def clientCode2Op(m: Monad[Option]) =
  m.bind(fOp(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gOp(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

to this:

def clientCode2OpFor(using m: Monad[Option]) =
  for {
    x <- fOp(27)
    y <- gOp(x + "z")
  } yield !y

The Option Monad

Let's look at some concrete monads now. We have of course already seen one particular monad: The Option monad. This monad is also sometimes called the Maybe monad.

object OptionMonad extends Monad[Option] {
  override def bind[A, B](a: Option[A], f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] =
    a match {
      case Some(x) => f(x)
      case None => None
  override def unit[A](a: A) = Some(a)

We can now parameterize clientCode with OptionMonad.

def v: Option[Boolean] = clientCode2Op(OptionMonad)

Generic Functions for Monads

There are many other sensible monads. Before we discuss those, let us discuss whether there are useful functions that are generic enough to be useful for many different monads. Here are some of these functions:

fmap turns every function between A and B into a function between M[A] and M[B]:

def fmap[M[_], A, B](f: A => B)(using m: Monad[M]): M[A] => M[B] =
  a => m.bind(a, (x: A) => m.unit(f(x)))

In fancy category theory terms, we can say that every monad is a functor.

sequence composes a list of monadic values into a single monadic value which is a list.

def sequence[M[_], A](l: List[M[A]])(using m: Monad[M]): M[List[A]] = l match {
  case x :: xs => m.bind(x, (y: A) =>
    m.bind(sequence(xs), (ys: List[A]) =>
      m.unit(y :: ys)))
  case Nil => m.unit(List.empty)

mapM composes sequence and the standard map function:

def mapM[M[_], A, B](f: A => M[B], l: List[A])(using m: Monad[M]): M[List[B]] =

join is another useful function to unwrap a layer of monads. In category theory, monads are defined via unit (denoted by the greek letter η) and join (denoted μ) instead of unit and bind. There are additional "naturality" and "coherence conditions" that make the category theory definition equivalent to ours.

def join[M[_], A](x: M[M[A]])(using m: Monad[M]): M[A] = m.bind(x, (y: M[A]) => y)

Here are some other common monads:

The Identity Monad

The identity monad is the simplest monad which corresponds to ordinary function application. If we parameterize monadic code with the identity monad, we get the behavior of the original non-monadic code.

type Id[X] = X
object IdentityMonad extends Monad[Id] {
  def bind[A, B](x: A, f: A => B): B = f(x)
  def unit[A](a: A): A = a

The Reader Monad

This is the reader monad, a.k.a. environment monad. It captures the essence of "environment-passing style".

The type parameter [A] =>> R => A may look a bit complicated, but it is merely "currying" the function arrow type constructor.

The type constructor which is created here is M[A] = R => A

trait ReaderMonad[R] extends Monad[[A] =>> R => A] {
  // pass the "environment" r into both computations
  override def bind[A, B](x: R => A, f: A => R => B): R => B = r => f(x(r))(r)
  override def unit[A](a: A): R => A = (_) => a

Example: Suppose that all functions in our API above depend on some kind of environment, say, the current configuration. For simplicitly, let's assume that the current configuration is just an Int, hence all functions have a return type of the form Int => A:

def fRead(n: Int): Int => String = sys.error("not implemented")
def gRead(x: String): Int => Boolean = sys.error("not implemented")
def hRead(b: Boolean): Int => Int = sys.error("not implemented")

Our original code,

def clientCode = h(!g(f(27) + "z"))


def clientCodeRead(env: Int) = hRead(!gRead(fRead(27)(env) + "z")(env))(env)

In monadic form, the explicit handling of the environment disappears again:

def clientCode2Read(using m: ReaderMonad[Int]) =
  m.bind(fRead(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gRead(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

/** this code does not work in older versions of Scala */
def clientCode2ReadFor(using m: ReaderMonad[Int]) =
  for {
    x <- fRead(27)
    y <- gRead(x + "z")
  } yield !y

The State Monad

The state monad, in which computations depend on a state S which is threaded through the computations, is defind as follows:

trait StateMonad[S] extends Monad[[A] =>> S => (A, S)] {
  override def bind[A, B](x: S => (A, S), f: A => S => (B, S)): S => (B, S) =
    // thread the state through the computations
    s => x(s) match { case (y, s2) => f(y)(s2) }
  override def unit[A](a: A): S => (A, S) = s => (a, s)

Example: Assume that our API maintains a state which (for simplicity) we assume to be a single integer. That is, it would look like this:

def fState(n: Int): Int => (String, Int) = sys.error("not implemented")
def gState(x: String): Int => (Boolean, Int) = sys.error("not implemented")
def hState(b: Boolean): Int => (Int, Int) = sys.error("not implemented")

The original code,

def clientCode = h(!g(f(27) + "z"))


def clientCodeState(s: Int) =
  fState(27)(s) match {
    case (x, s2) => gState(x + "z")(s2) match {
      case (y, s3) => hState(!y)(s3) }}

In monadic style, however, the state handling disappears once more:

def clientCode2State(using m: StateMonad[Int]) =
  m.bind(fState(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gState(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

The List Monad

In the list monad, computations produce lists of results. The bind operator combines all those results in a single list.

object ListMonad extends Monad[List] {
  // apply f to each element, concatenate the resulting lists
  override def bind[A, B](x: List[A], f: A => List[B]): List[B] = x.flatMap(f)
  override def unit[A](a: A) = List(a)

Example: Assume that our API functions return lists of results, and our client code must exercise the combination of all possible answers.

def fList(n: Int): List[String] = sys.error("not implemented")
def gList(x: String): List[Boolean] = sys.error("not implemented")
def hList(b: Boolean): List[Int] = sys.error("not implemented")

The original code,

def clientCode = h(!g(f(27) + "z"))


def clientCodeList =
  fList(27).map(x => gList(x + "z")) => hList(!y)).flatten

The monadic version of the client code stays the same, as expected:

def clientCode2List = {
  given Monad[List] = ListMonad
  for {
    x <- fList(27)
    y <- gList(x + "z")
  } yield !y

The Continuation Monad

The last monad we are going to present is the continuation monad, which stands for computations that are continuations.

trait ContinuationMonad[R] extends Monad[[A] =>> (A => R) => R] {
  type Cont[X] = (X => R) => R

  override def bind[A, B](x: Cont[A], f: A => Cont[B]): Cont[B] =
    // construct continuation for x that calls f with the result of x
    k => x(a => f(a)(k))
  override def unit[A](a: A): Cont[A] = k => k(a)

  // callcc is like letcc; the difference is that letcc binds a name,
  // whereas callcc expects a function as argument.
  // That means that letcc(k, ...) is expressed as callcc(k => ...).
  def callcc[A, B](f: (A => Cont[B]) => Cont[A]): Cont[A] =
    k => f((a: A) => (_: B => R) => k(a))(k)

Example: Suppose our API was CPS-transformed:

def fCPS[R](n: Int): (String => R) => R = sys.error("not implemented")
def gCPS[R](x: String): (Boolean => R) => R = sys.error("not implemented")
def hCPS[R](b: Boolean): (Int => R) => R = sys.error("not implemented")

The original code,

def clientCode = h(!g(f(27) + "z"))


def clientCodeCPS[R]: (Int => R) => R =
  k => fCPS(27)((x: String) => gCPS(x + "z")((y: Boolean) =>  hCPS(!y)(k)))

The monadic version hides the CPS transformation in the operations of the monad.

def clientCode2CPS[R](using m: ContinuationMonad[R]) =
  m.bind(fCPS(27), (x: String) =>
    m.bind(gCPS(x + "z"), (y: Boolean) =>

Let's implement 1 + (2 + 3) in monadic style and implicitly CPS-transform using the continuation monad:

// unfortunately we can, again, not use for-comprehension syntax
def ex123[R](using m: ContinuationMonad[R])  = {
    m.bind(m.unit(2), (two: Int) =>
      m.bind(m.unit(3), (three: Int) => m.unit(two + three))),
    (five: Int) => m.unit(1 + five))

def runEx123 = ex123(using new ContinuationMonad[Int]{})(x => x)

Let's implement the (+ 1 (let/cc k (+ 2 (k 3)))) example using callcc

def excallcc[R](using m: ContinuationMonad[R])  = {
    m.bind(m.unit(2), (two: Int) =>
      m.callcc[Int, Int](k => m.bind(k(3), (three: Int) => m.unit(two + three)))),
    (five: Int) => m.unit(1 + five))

def runExcallcc = excallcc(using new ContinuationMonad[Int]{})(x => x)

Remember how we had to CPS-transform the map function in the "allCosts" example when we talked about continuations? Now we can define a monadic version of map that works for any monad, including the continuation monad:

def mapM[M[_], A, B](x: List[A], f: A => M[B])(using m: Monad[M]): M[List[B]] =

Monad Transformers

The purpose of monad transformers is to compose monads. For instance, what if we want to have both the list monad and the option monad at the same time? Such situations arise very often in practical code.

One solution is to have a monad transformer version of each monad, which is parameterized with another monad. We show this for the Option monad case.

type OptionT[M[_]] = [A] =>> M[Option[A]]

class OptionTMonad[M[_]](val m: Monad[M]) extends Monad[OptionT[M]] {

  override def bind[A, B](x: M[Option[A]], f: A => M[Option[B]]): M[Option[B]] =
    m.bind(x, (z: Option[A]) => z match { case Some(y) => f(y)
                                          case None => m.unit(None) })

  override def unit[A](a: A) = m.unit(Some(a))

  def lift[A](x: M[A]): M[Option[A]] = m.bind(x, (a: A) => m.unit(Some(a)))
val ListOptionM = new OptionTMonad(ListMonad)
// in this case, for-comprehension syntax doesn't work because it clashes with the
// built-in support for for-comprehensions for lists :-(
def example = {
  val m = ListOptionM
  m.bind(List(Some(3), Some(4)), (x: Int) => m.unit(x + 1))

def example2 = {
  val m = ListOptionM
  m.bind(List(Some(3), Some(4)), (x: Int) => m.lift(List(1, 2, 3, x)))

def example3 = {
  val m = ListOptionM
  m.bind(List(Some(3), None, Some(4)), (x: Int) => m.unit(x + 1))

def example4 = {
  val m = ListOptionM
  m.bind(List(Some(3), Some(4)), (x: Int) => if (x > 3) m.m.unit(None) else m.unit(x * 2))

Monad transformers are a standard way to compose monads, e.g., in Haskell and in Scala. They have a number of well-known disadvantages. For instance, one needs additional transformer versions of monads and the required lifting sometimes destroys modularity. There are a number of alternative proposals to monad transformers, such as "extensible effects".