Lazy Evaluation

The content of this chapter is available as a Scala file here.

Motivation for Lazy Evaluation

Read "Why Functional Programming Matters" by John Hughes available at

What lazy evaluation means:

The choice of evaluation strategy is a purely semantic change that requires no change of the syntax. For this reason we reuse the syntactic definitions of FAE, hence load higher-order-functions.scala before executing this script. Before we discuss lazy evaluation, we will first discuss a related evaluation strategy, call-by-name.

Call-by-name can be explained very succintly in the substitution-based interpreter: Instead of evaluating the argument a in the Ap case before substitution, we substitute the unevaluated argument into the body. The rest remains exactly the same.

def evalcbn(e: Exp): Exp = e match {
  case Id(v) => sys.error("unbound identifier: " + v)
  case Add(l, r) => (evalcbn(l), evalcbn(r)) match {
                     case (Num(x), Num(y)) => Num(x + y)
                     case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
  case Ap(f, a) => evalcbn(f) match {
     case Fun(x, body) => evalcbn(subst(body, x, a)) // no evaluation of a!
     case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
  case _ => e

Does this change the semantics, or is it just an implementation detail? In other words, is eval(e) == evalcbn(e) for all e ? Let's try two former test cases.

assert(evalcbn(test) == eval(test))
assert(evalcbn(test2) == eval(test2))

One can formally prove that if eval and evalcbn both produce a number then the numbers are equal. Do they also agree if they produce a function? Not necessarily. Consider:

val test3 = Ap(Fun("f", Fun("x", Ap("f", "x"))), Add(1, 2))

assert(eval(test3) == Fun("x", Ap(Num(3), Id("x"))))
assert(evalcbn(test3) == Fun("x", Ap(Add(Num(1), Num(2)), Id("x"))))

However, if both produce a function, then the functions "behave" the same. More specifically, the function bodies produced by eval may be "more evaluated" than those produced by evalcbn since for the latter the evaluation of the arguments substituted for the parameters in the body is deferred. If we evaluated within function bodies (also called evaluation "under a lambda") - which our interpreters do not do - we could produce the expression returned from eval from the expression returned by evalcbn. This kind of equivalence is also called "beta-equivalence".

Most importantly, however, eval and evalcbn differ with regard to their termination behavior. We have seen that omega is a diverging expression. In eval, the term

 val test4 = Ap(Fun("x", 5), omega)

is hence also diverging. In contrast:

assert(evalcbn(test4) == Num(5))

Extra material: Infinite lists in FAE (not relevant for exam)

Using our call-by-name interpreter, we can express the same kinds of programming patterns that we have tried in Haskell, such as infinite lists.

We do not have direct support for lists, but we can encode lists. This kind of encoding is called Church encoding.

val nil = Fun("c", Fun("e", "e"))
val cons  = Fun("x", Fun("xs", Fun("c", Fun("e", Ap(Ap("c", "x"), Ap(Ap("xs", "c"), "e"))))))

For instance, the list 1, 2, 3 is encoded as:

val list123 = Ap(Ap("cons", 1), Ap(Ap("cons", 2), Ap(Ap("cons", 3), "nil")))

The map function on lists becomes:

val maplist = Fun("f", Fun("l", Ap(Ap("l", Fun("x", Fun("xs", Ap(Ap("cons", Ap("f", "x")), "xs")))), "nil")))

For instance, we can map the successor function over the 1, 2, 3 list.

val test5 = wth("cons", cons,
            wth("nil", nil,
            wth("maplist", maplist,
            Ap(Ap("maplist", Fun("x", Add("x", 1))), list123))))

Since it is somewhat difficult to print out the resulting list in our primitive language we construct the result we expect explicitly.

val test5res = wth("cons", cons,
               wth("nil", nil,
                 Ap(Ap("cons", 2), Ap(Ap("cons", 3), Ap(Ap("cons", 4), "nil")))))
assert(eval(test5) == eval(test5res))

Using evalcbn instead of eval the assertion does not hold (why?), but the results are beta-equivalent. We can also construct infinite lists. To this end, we need some form of recursion. We choose the standard fixed-point operator Y. This operator only works under call-by-name or other so-called "non-strict" evaluation strategies.

val y = Fun("f", Ap(Fun("x", Ap("f", Ap("x", "x"))), Fun("x", Ap("f", Ap("x", "x")))))

Using Y, we can construct infinite lists, such as the list of all natural numbers.

val allnats = Ap(Ap("y", Fun("nats", Fun("n", Ap(Ap("cons", "n"), Ap("nats", Add("n", 1)))))), 1)

We can also perform standard computations on infinite lists, such as mapping the successor function over it.

val list2toinfty = wth("cons", cons,
                   wth("nil", nil,
                   wth("y", y,
                   wth("maplist", maplist,
                      Ap(Ap("maplist", Fun("x", Add("x", 1))), allnats)))))

Of course, list2toinfty diverges when we use eval, but it works fine with evalcbn. It is hard to verify the result due to an almost unreadable output. Hence we propose the following

Exercise: Extend the language such that you can implement the "take" function as known from Haskell within the language (if0-expressions or something like it are needed for that). Now add a "print" function that prints a number on the console. Use it to display that the first 3 list elements of list2toinfty are 2, 3, 4.

end of extra material

Environment-based lazy evaluation

Let us now consider the question how we can implement call-by-name in the environment-based interpreter. Translating the idea of not evaluating the function argument to the environment-based version seems to suggest that the environment should map identifiers to expressions instead of values.

However, we run into the same problems that we had with first-class functions before we introduced closures: What happens to the deferred substitutions that still have to be applied in the function argument? If we discard the environment in which the function argument was defined we again introduce a variant of dynamic scoping.

Hence, like for closures, we need to store the environment together with the expression. We call such a pair a thunk. An environment thus becomes a mapping from symbols to thunks. Note that environments and thunks are hence mutually recursive. In Scala, we can hence not use type definitions of the form

   type Thunk = (Exp, Env)
   type Env = Map[String, Thunk]

Instead, we use a Scala class Env to express this recursion. Since we want to experiment with different variants of how to generate and evaluate thunks we first create a parameterizable variant of the evaluator that leaves open how to

  1. represent thunks (type Thunk)
  2. create thunks (method delay)
  3. evaluate thunks (method force).

Hint: Research on the internet what abstract type members in Scala are. For instance, here.

trait CBN {
    type Thunk

    def delay(e: Exp, env: EnvThunk): Thunk
    def force(t: Thunk): ValueCBN

    case class EnvThunk(map: Map[String, Thunk]) {
      def apply(key: String): Thunk = map.apply(key)
      def +(other: (String, Thunk)): EnvThunk = EnvThunk(map + other)

    // since values also depend on EnvThunk and hence on Thunk they need to
    // be defined within this trait
    sealed abstract class ValueCBN
    case class NumV(n: Int) extends ValueCBN
    case class ClosureV(f: Fun, env: EnvThunk) extends ValueCBN
    def evalCBN(e: Exp, env: EnvThunk): ValueCBN = e match {
      case Id(x) => force(env(x)) // force evaluation of thunk if identifier is evaluated
      case Add(l, r) => {
        (evalCBN(l, env), evalCBN(r, env)) match {
          case (NumV(v1), NumV(v2)) => NumV(v1 + v2)
          case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
      case Ap(f, a) => evalCBN(f, env) match {
        // delay argument expression and add it to environment of the closure
        case ClosureV(f, cenv) => evalCBN(f.body, cenv + (f.param -> delay(a, env)))
        case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
      case Num(n) => NumV(n)
      case f@Fun(x, body) => ClosureV(f, env)

Let's now create an instance of CBN that corresponds to the substitution-based call-by-name interpreter. A thunk is just a pair of expression and environment. Forcing a thunk just evaluates it in the stored environment. To understand what is going on during evaluation of tests we trace argument evaluation by a printout to the console.

object CallByName extends CBN {
  type Thunk = (Exp, EnvThunk)
  def delay(e: Exp, env: EnvThunk) = (e, env)
  def force(t: Thunk) = {
    println("Forcing evaluation of expression: " + t._1)
    evalCBN(t._1, t._2)

assert(CallByName.evalCBN(test, CallByName.EnvThunk(Map.empty)) == CallByName.NumV(12))
// Forcing evaluation of expression: Num(7)


Call-by-name is rather wasteful: If an argument is used n times in the body, the argument expression is re-evaluated n times. For instance, in

val cbntest = wth("double", Fun("x", Add("x", "x")),
               Ap("double", Add(2, 3)))

the sum of 2 and 3 is computed twice. If the argument is passed again to another function, this may lead to an exponential blow-up.


val blowup  = wth("a", Fun("x", Add("x", "x")),
              wth("b", Fun("x", Add(Ap("a", "x"), Ap("a", "x"))),
              wth("c", Fun("x", Add(Ap("b", "x"), Ap("b", "x"))),
              wth("d", Fun("x", Add(Ap("c", "x"), Ap("c", "x"))),
              wth("e", Fun("x", Add(Ap("d", "x"), Ap("d", "x"))),
              wth("f", Fun("x", Add(Ap("e", "x"), Ap("e", "x"))),
              Ap("f", Add(2, 3))))))))

Can we do better? Yes, by caching the value when the argument expression is evaluated for the first time. This evaluation strategy is called call-by-need.

Caching is easy to implement in Scala:

object CallByNeed extends CBN {
  case class MemoThunk(e: Exp, env: EnvThunk) {
    var cache: ValueCBN = null
  type Thunk = MemoThunk
  def delay(e: Exp, env: EnvThunk) = MemoThunk(e, env)
  def force(t: Thunk) = {
    if (t.cache == null) {
      println("Forcing evaluation of expression: " + t.e)
      t.cache = evalCBN(t.e, t.env)
    } else {
      println ("Reusing cached value " + t.cache + " for expression " + t.e)

For instance, compare call-by-need and call-by-name in cbntest or blowup. However, the meta-language (i.e., the subset of Scala features) used in the interpreter has become more complicated:

Since we are using mutation, the order of evaluation and aliasing of object references becomes important. Luckily, call-by-need agrees with call-by-name with regard to produced values and termination behavior, hence it is usually not necessary to reason about programs with the call-by-need semantics. If, however, one wants to reason about the performance of a program in a call-by-need setting, one has to take these additional complications into account. In practice, it is even worse, since languages like Haskell perform additional optimizations that, for instance, switch to call-by-value if an analysis can determine that an argument will definitely be used (look up "strictness analysis").

Topics for class discussion:

  • Is it a good idea to mix a language with implicit mutation (such as Java, Scala, C++, Python, ...) with lazy evaluation?
  • How can one simulate lazy evaluation in an eager language? Basic idea: 'Lambda' as evaluation firewall.