Arithmetic Expressions With Variables

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Let us now consider an extension of the arithmetic expression language with variables. We do this by a new kind of expression, which we call Identifier, or Id.

\[ \begin{array}{lclr} e & := & n & \textit{Numeric Literals} \\ & | & (e + e) & \textit{Addition} \\ & | & (e * e) & \textit{Multiplication} \\ & | & x & \textit{Identifier} \end{array} \]

object AEId {
enum Exp:
  case Num(n: Int) extends Exp
  case Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp
  case Mul(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp
  case Id(x: String) extends Exp
import Exp._

Here is a sample program written in this language, directly written down using constructors of the enum:

val test0 = Add(Mul(Id("x"), Num(2)), Add(Id("y"), Id("y")))

With a proper parser we could choose a syntax like x * 2 + y + y. We do not care much about concrete syntax and parsing, though.

That said, to make writing examples less verbose, Scala's implicits come to the rescue. Calls to implicit functions are inserted automatically by the compiler if they help to restore well-typedness. For instance, we can define

implicit def num2exp(n: Int): Exp = Num(n)
implicit def sym2exp(x: String): Exp = Id(x)

to lift integers and strings to expressions. Using these implicits, the example can be written as:

val test = Add(Mul("x", 2), Add("y", "y"))

To give meaning to identifiers, we use environments. Environments are mappings from identifiers (which we represent as strings) to values. In our simple language the only values are integers, hence:

type Env = Map[String, Int]

An evaluator (or interpreter) for this language takes an expression and an environment as parameter and produces a value - in this case Int. This interpreter uses pattern matching over the constructors of enum Exp.

def eval(e: Exp, env: Env): Int = e match {
  case Num(n) => n
  case Id(x) => env(x)
  case Add(l, r) => eval(l, env) + eval(r, env)
  case Mul(l, r) => eval(l, env) * eval(r, env)

A different (and arguably more 'object-oriented') way to implement this evaluator would be to add an abstract eval method to an Exp class and override it in all subclasses, each implementation corresponding to its corresponding case in the pattern match. The choice between these alternatives matters, since they support different dimensions of extensibility.

We will mainly use the more functional style using pattern matching, because it matches better to the order in which we present these topics in the lecture. To try the example, we need a sample environment that gives values to the (free) variables in the sample expression.

The test environment also illustrates how Scala supports direct definitions of constant maps.

val testEnv = Map("x" -> 3, "y" -> 4)

We can automatically test our evaluator using assert:

val exa = eval(test, testEnv)
// exa: Int = 14
assert(eval(test, testEnv) == 14)

Internal Visitors

We will now learn a different way to encode algorithms that operate on expressions (like the evaluator). To this end, we will now use so-called "folds". Folds are well-known for lists, but the concept is more general and applies to arbitrary algebraic data types. We will present folds in such a style that they resemble visitors as known from the OO design pattern literature. They correspond to so-called "internal visitors" in which the traversal is encoded within the "accept" function. An internal visitor consists of one function for each syntactic construct of the language. It has a type parameter that determines the "return type" of invoking the visitor on an expression. This type parameter is used in all positions in which the original syntax specifies a subexpression. Internal visitors also correspond to a "bottom-up" traversal of the syntax tree.

object Visitors {
case class VisitorAE[T](num: Int => T, add: (T, T) => T)

The fold function below itself applies a visitor to an expression. Note that the recursion is performed in the fold function, hence all visitors are not recursive.

Also note that this design enforces that all algorithms specified via this visitor interface are compositional by design. This means that the recursion structure of the algorithm corresponds to the recursion structure of the expression. Put in another way, it means that the semantics (in terms of the meta-language) of a composite expression is determined by the semantics of the subexpressions; the syntax of the subexpressions is irrelevant.

Compositional specifications are particularly nice because they enable "equational reasoning": Subexpressions can be replaced by other subexpressions with the same semantics without changing the semantics of the whole.

enum ExpAE:
  case NumAE(n: Int) extends ExpAE
  case AddAE(lhs: ExpAE, rhs: ExpAE) extends ExpAE
import ExpAE._

def foldExp[T](v: VisitorAE[T], e: ExpAE): T = {
  e match {
    case NumAE(n) => v.num(n)
    case AddAE(l, r) => v.add(foldExp(v, l), foldExp(v, r))

Here is our evaluator from above rephrased using the visitor infrastructure.

val evalVisitorAE = VisitorAE[Int](x => x, (a, b) => a + b)

We can of course restore the original interface of eval using foldExp:

def eval(e: ExpAE) = foldExp(evalVisitorAE, e)

Let's test whether it works.

val exaVisitorAE = eval(AddAE(AddAE(NumAE(1), NumAE(2)), NumAE(3)))
// exaVisitorAE: Int = 6
assert(exaVisitorAE == 6)

We can also apply other algorithms using visitors, such as counting the number of NumAE literals, or printing to a string:

val countVisitorAE = VisitorAE[Int](_ => 1, _ + _)
val printVisitorAE = VisitorAE[String](_.toString, "(" + _ + "+" + _ + ")")

Let's now try the same with the AE language with identifiers. It all works in the same way:

object AEIdVisitor {
import AEId._
case class Visitor[T](num: Int => T, add: (T, T) => T, mul: (T, T) => T, id: String => T)
val expVisitor = Visitor[Exp](Num(_), Add(_, _), Mul(_, _), Id(_))
val countVisitor = Visitor[Int](_ => 1, _ + _, _ + _, _ => 0)
val printVisitor = Visitor[String](_.toString, "(" + _ + "+" + _ + ")", _ + "*" + _, identity)

def foldExp[T](v: Visitor[T], e: Exp): T = {
  e match {
    case Num(n) => v.num(n)
    case Add(l, r) => v.add(foldExp(v, l), foldExp(v, r))
    case Mul(l, r) => v.mul(foldExp(v, l), foldExp(v, r))
    case Id(x) =>
def countNums(e: Exp) = foldExp(countVisitor, e)

val exaCount = countNums(test)
// exaCount: Int = 1
assert(exaCount == 1)

However, what about the evaluator? If we instantiate T = Int, then how can we access the environment? Insight: For evaluation, we must instantiate T with a function type Env => Int! This way of transforming a multi-argument function into a single-argument higher-order function is called currying.

val evalVisitor = Visitor[Env => Int](
   env => _ ,
   (a, b) => env =>
     a(env) + b(env),
   (a, b) => env =>
     a(env) * b(env),
   x => env =>