Higher-Order Functions
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Higher-Order Functions
F1WAE, the language with first-order functions, lets us abstract over patterns that involve numbers. But what if we want to abstract over patterns that involve functions, such as the "list-fold" pattern, whose instantiations include summing or multiplying a list of integers?
To enable this kind of abstraction, we need to make functions "first-class", which means that they become values that can be passed to or returned from functions or stored in data structures. Languages with first-class functions enable so-called "higher-order functions", which are functions that accept or return a (possibly again higher-order) function.
We will see that this extension will make our language both simpler and much more powerful. This seeming contradiction is famously addressed by the first sentence of the Scheme language specification:
"Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary."
The simplicity is due to the fact that this language is so expressive that many other language features can be "encoded", i.e., they do not need to be added to the language but can be expressed with the existing features.
This language, which we call "FAE", is basically the so-called "lambda calculus", a minimal but powerful programming language that has been highly influential in the design and theory of programming languages.
FAE is the language of arithmetic expressions, AE, plus only two additional language constructs: Function abstraction and function application.
object Syntax {
enum Exp:
case Num(n: Int)
case Id(name: String)
case Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp)
// Both function definitions and applications are expressions.
case Fun(param: String, body: Exp)
case Ap(funExpr: Exp, argExpr: Exp)
object Exp:
implicit def num2exp(n: Int): Exp = Num(n)
implicit def id2exp(s: String): Exp = Id(s)
// "with" would be a better name for this function, but it is reserved in Scala
def wth(x: String, xdef: Exp, body: Exp): Exp = Ap(Fun(x, body), xdef)
import Syntax._
import Exp._
Due to the lambda calculus, the concrete syntax for function abstraction is often written
with a lambda, such as lambda x. x + 3
, thus also called lambda abstraction. The Scala
syntax for lambda terms is (x) => x + 3
, the Haskell syntax is \x -> x + 3
The concrete syntax for function application is often either juxtaposition f a
using brackets f(a)
. Haskell and the lambda calculus use the former, Scala uses the
The with
construct is not needed anymore since it can be encoded using Ap
. For instance, with x = 7 in x + 3
can be encoded (using Scala syntax) as
((x) => x + 3)(7)
. We have made this idea explicit above by giving a constructive
translation. Remember that such translations are often called "desugaring".
As for F1WAE, we will at first define the meaning of FAE in terms of substitution. Here is the substitution function for FAE.
def subst0(e1: Exp, x: String, e2: Exp): Exp = e1 match {
case Num(n) => e1
case Add(l, r) => Add(subst0(l, x, e2), subst0(r, x, e2))
case Id(y) => if (x == y) e2 else Id(y)
case Ap(f, a) => Ap(subst0(f, x, e2), subst0(a, x, e2))
case Fun(param, body) =>
if (param == x) e1 else Fun(param, subst0(body, x, e2))
Let's try whether subst0
produces reasonable results.
assert(subst0(Add(5, "x"), "x", 7) == Add(5, 7))
assert(subst0(Add(5, "x"), "y", 7) == Add(5, "x"))
assert(subst0(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")), "x", 7) == Fun("x", Add("x", "y")))
Looks good. However, what happens if e2
contains free variables? The danger here is that they may be accidentially "captured" by the substitution.
For instance, consider
val subst0Test = subst0(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")), "y", Add("x", 5))
// subst0Test: Exp = Fun(
// param = "x",
// body = Add(
// lhs = Id(name = "x"),
// rhs = Add(lhs = Id(name = "x"), rhs = Num(n = 5))
// )
// )
The result is Fun("x", Add("x", Add("x", 5)))
This is not desirable, since it again violates static scoping.
Note that this problem did not show up in earlier languages, because there we only substituted variables by numbers, but not by
expressions that may contain free variables: The type of e2
was Num
and not Exp
Hence we are still not done with defining substitution. But what is the desired result of the substitution above?
The answer is that we must avoid the name clash by renaming the variable bound by the "lambda" if the variable name occurs free in e2
This new variable name should be "fresh", i.e., not occur free in e2
For instance, in the example above, we could first rename "x"
to the fresh name "x0"
and only then substitute, i.e.
subst(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")), "y", Add("x", 5)) == Fun("x0", Add("x0", Add("x", Num(5))))
Let's do this step by step.
def freshName(names: Set[String], default: String): String = {
var last: Int = 0
var freshName = default
while (names contains freshName) { freshName = default + last; last += 1; }
val freshNameExa1 = freshName(Set("y", "z"), "x")
// freshNameExa1: String = "x"
val freshNameExa2 = freshName(Set("x2", "x0", "x4", "x", "x1"), "x")
// freshNameExa2: String = "x3"
assert(freshNameExa1 == "x")
assert(freshNameExa2 == "x3")
def freeVars(e: Exp): Set[String] = e match {
case Id(x) => Set(x)
case Add(l, r) => freeVars(l) ++ freeVars(r)
case Fun(x, body) => freeVars(body) - x
case Ap(f, a) => freeVars(f) ++ freeVars(a)
case Num(n) => Set.empty
val freeVarsExa = freeVars(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")))
// freeVarsExa: Set[String] = Set("y")
assert(freeVarsExa == Set("y"))
def subst(e1: Exp, x: String, e2: Exp): Exp = e1 match {
case Num(n) => e1
case Add(l, r) => Add(subst(l, x, e2), subst(r, x, e2))
case Id(y) => if (x == y) e2 else Id(y)
case Ap(f, a) => Ap(subst(f, x, e2), subst(a, x, e2))
case Fun(param, body) =>
if (param == x) e1 else {
val fvs = freeVars(Fun(param, body)) ++ freeVars(e2) + x
val newvar = freshName(fvs, param)
Fun(newvar, subst(subst(body, param, Id(newvar)), x, e2))
assert(subst(Add(5, "x"), "x", 7) == Add(5, 7))
assert(subst(Add(5, "x"), "y", 7) == Add(5, "x"))
assert(subst(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")), "x", 7) == Fun("x", Add("x", "y")))
// test capture-avoiding substitution
assert(subst(Fun("x", Add("x", "y")), "y", Add("x", 5)) == Fun("x0", Add(Id("x0"), Add(Id("x"), Num(5)))))
assert(subst(Fun("x", Add(Id("x0"), Id("y"))), "y", Add(Id("x"), 5)) == Fun("x1", Add(Id("x0"), Add(Id("x"), Num(5)))))
OK, equipped with this new version of substitution we can now define the interpreter for this language. But how do we evaluate a function abstraction? Obviously we cannot return a number.
We realize that functions are also values! Hence we have to broaden the return type of our evaluator to also allow functions as values.
For simplicity, we use Exp
as our return type since it allows us to return both numbers and functions. Later we will become more
This means that a new class of errors can occur: A subexpression evaluates to a number where a function is expected, or vice versa. Such errors are called type errors, and we will talk about them in much more detail later.
For now, it means that we need to analyze (typically by pattern matching) the result of recursive invocations of eval to check whether the result has the right type.
The remainder of the interpreter is unsurprising:
def eval(e: Exp): Exp = e match {
case Id(v) => sys.error("unbound identifier: " + v)
case Add(l, r) => (eval(l), eval(r)) match {
case (Num(x), Num(y)) => Num(x + y)
case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
case Ap(f, a) => eval(f) match {
case Fun(x, body) => eval(subst(body, x, eval(a))) // call-by-value
// case Fun(x, body) => eval(subst(body, x, a)) // call-by-name
case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
case _ => e // numbers and functions evaluate to themselves
We can also make the return type more precise to verify the invariant that numbers and functions are the only values.
def eval2(e: Exp): Either[Num, Fun] = e match {
case Id(v) => sys.error("unbound identifier: " + v)
case Add(l, r) => (eval2(l), eval2(r)) match {
case (Left(Num(x)), Left(Num(y))) => Left(Num(x + y))
case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
case Ap(f, a) => eval2(f) match {
case Right(Fun(x, body)) => eval2(subst(body, x, eval(a)))
case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
case f@Fun(_, _) => Right(f)
case n@Num(_) => Left(n)
Let's test:
val test = Ap(Fun("x", Add("x", 5)), 7)
assert(eval(test) == Num(12))
FAE is a computationally (Turing-)complete language. For instance, we can define a non-terminating program. This program is commonly called Omega:
val omega = Ap(Fun("x", Ap("x", "x")), Fun("x", Ap("x", "x")))
// try eval(omega) to crash the interpreter ;-)
Omega can be extended to yield a fixed-point combinator, which can be used to encode arbitrary recursive functions. We'll come back to this topic later.
Let's now discuss what an environment-based version of this interpreter looks like. Here is a first attempt:
type Env0 = Map[String, Exp]
def evalWithEnv0(e: Exp, env: Env0): Exp = e match {
case Id(x) => env(x)
case Add(l, r) => {
(evalWithEnv0(l, env), evalWithEnv0(r, env)) match {
case (Num(v1), Num(v2)) => Num(v1 + v2)
case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
case Ap(f, a) => evalWithEnv0(f, env) match {
case Fun(x, body) => evalWithEnv0(body, Map(x -> evalWithEnv0(a, env)))
case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
case _ => e // numbers and functions evaluate to themselves
assert(evalWithEnv0(test, Map.empty) == Num(12))
However, consider the following example:
val test2 = wth("x", 5, Ap(Fun("f", Ap("f", 3)), Fun("y", Add("x", "y"))))
It works fine in the substitution-based interpreter,
val evalTest2 = eval(test2)
// evalTest2: Exp = Num(n = 8)
assert(evalTest2 == Num(8))
val evalEnv0Test2 = evalWithEnv0(test2, Map.empty)
// java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: x
// at scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map1.apply(Map.scala:243)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.evalWithEnv0(higher-order-functions.md:208)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.evalWithEnv0(higher-order-functions.md:210)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.evalWithEnv0(higher-order-functions.md:216)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.evalWithEnv0(higher-order-functions.md:216)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.evalWithEnv0(higher-order-functions.md:216)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.$init$$$anonfun$1(higher-order-functions.md:248)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.$init$$$anonfun$adapted$1(higher-order-functions.md:249)
yields a key not found: x
The problem is that we have forgotten the deferred substitutions to be performed in the body of the function.
What can we do to fix this problem?
We could try to replace the second line in the Ap
case by
case Fun(x, body) => evalWithEnv0(body, env + (x -> evalWithEnv0(a, env)))
but this would again introduce dynamic scoping.
Hence, when we evaluate a function, we do not only have to store the function, but also the environment active when the function was created. This pair of function and environment is called a closure. The environment stored in the closure is used when the function is eventually applied.
Hint: If you cannot answer what a closure is and how it is used in the interpreter, you will be toast in the exam! Since closures are not expressible in the language syntax, we now come to the point where we need a separate category of values. The values in FAE can be either numbers or closures.
sealed abstract class Value
type Env = Map[String, Value]
case class NumV(n: Int) extends Value
case class ClosureV(f: Fun, env: Env) extends Value
The evaluator becomes:
def evalWithEnv(e: Exp, env: Env): Value = e match {
case Num(n: Int) => NumV(n)
case Id(x) => env(x)
case Add(l, r) => {
(evalWithEnv(l, env), evalWithEnv(r, env)) match {
case (NumV(v1), NumV(v2)) => NumV(v1 + v2)
case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
case f@Fun(param, body) => ClosureV(f, env)
case Ap(f, a) => evalWithEnv(f, env) match {
// Use environment stored in closure to realize proper lexical scoping!
case ClosureV(f, closureEnv) => evalWithEnv(f.body, closureEnv + (f.param -> evalWithEnv(a, env)))
case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
assert(evalWithEnv(test, Map.empty) == NumV(12))
assert(evalWithEnv(test2, Map.empty) == NumV(8))