Continuations: Motivation

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Consider the following very simple program:

def inputNumber(prompt: String): Int = {
def progSimple = {
  println(inputNumber("First number:") + inputNumber("Second number"))

Now consider a web version of the program:

  • the first number is entered on the first page
  • then the first number is submitted, a form to enter the second number is shown
  • when the second number is submitted, a form with the result is generated and shown.

Even this "addition server" is difficult to implement. Because http is a stateless protocol (for good reasons), every web program is basically forced to terminate after every request. This means that the Web developer must turn this application into three programs:

  1. The first program displays the first form.
  2. The second program consumes the form values from the first form, and generates the second form.
  3. The third program consumes the form values from the second form, computes the output, and generates the result.

Because the value entered in the first form is needed by the third program to compute its output, this value must somehow be transmitted from the first program to the third. This is typically done by using the hidden field mechanism of HTML.

Suppose, instead of using a hidden field, the application developer used a Java Servlet session object, or a database field, to store the first number. (Application developers are often pushed to do this because that is the feature most conveniently supported by the language and API they are employing.) Then, if the developer were to exploratorily open multiple windows the application can compute the wrong answer. Hence, the actual program in a web developer's mind has the structure of the following program. An actual web program is of course more complicated, but this primitive model of web programming is sufficient to explain the problem.

// we use the return type "Nothing" for functions that will never return (normally)
def webdisplay(s: String): Nothing = {
  sys.error("program terminated")

def webread(prompt: String, continue: String): Nothing = {
  println("send input to: " + continue)
  sys.error("program terminated")

def program1 = webread("enter first number", "s2")
def program2(n1: Int) = webread("enter second number and remind me of previoulsy entered number " + n1, "s3")
def program3(n1: Int, n2: Int) = webdisplay("The sum of " + n1 + " and " + n2 + " is " + (n1 + n2))

We could write a better webread and webdisplay procedure if we could somehow get hold of the pending computation at the time when the procedure was invoked. Such a pending computation is called continuation.

Let's consider the continuation at the point of the first interaction in the original program,

def prog = {
  println(inputNumber() + inputNumber())

The pending computation (or, continuation in the following) is to take the result of the first inputNumber invocation, add to it the result of the second invocation, and display it.

We can express the continuation as a function:

val cont1 = (n: Int) => println(n + inputNumber("Second number"))

Similarly, the continuation at the second point of interaction is:

val cont2 = (m: Int) => println(n + m)

where n is the result of the first input, which is stored in the closure of cont2.

Assuming an explicit representation of the continuation, it is obvious that we can now write a version of webread, called webread_k, which takes the continuation as second parameter and invokes the continuation once the answer to the result is received by the server. This can be implemented, say, by associating to a continuation a unique ID, store the continuation in a hashmap on the server using this ID, and storing the ID in the form such that it gets submitted back to the server once the client presses the submit button.

Here is code illustrating the idea. For simplicity we assume that all web forms return a single integer value.

val continuations = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int => Nothing]()
var nextIndex: Int = 0
def getNextID = {
  nextIndex += 1
  "c" + nextIndex

def webread_k(prompt: String, k: Int => Nothing): Nothing = {
  val id = getNextID
  continuations += (id -> k)
  println("to continue, invoke continuation: " + id)
  sys.error("program terminated")

def continue(kid: String, result: Int) = continuations(kid)(result)

Using webread_k, we can now define our addition server as follows. If you try webprog, ignore the stack traces.

def webprog = webread_k("enter first number", (n) =>
                webread_k("enter second number", (m) =>
                  webdisplay("The sum of " + n + " and " + m + " is " + (n + m))))

For instance, try:

scala> webprog            -- yields some continuation id "c1"
scala> continue("c1", 5)  -- yields some continuation id "c2"
scala> continue("c2", 7)

This should yield the result 12 as expected. But also try:

scala> webprog            -- yields some continuation id "c1"
scala> continue("c1", 5)  -- yields some continuation id "c2"
scala> continue("c1", 6)  -- yields some continuation id "c3"
scala> continue("c2", 3)  -- should yield 8
scala> continue("c3", 3)  -- should yield 9

The style of programming in webprog, which is obviously more complicated than the logical structure of progSimple, shows up in many practical programming scenarios - server-side web programming is just one of them. For instance, in JavaScript many API functions for asynchronous communication such as httprequest in AJAX require to pass a callback function, which leads to similar code as the one in webprog above.

Let's consider this "web transformation" - the transformation from progSimple to webprog - in more detail. To this end, let's make our application a bit more sophisticated. Instead of entering only two numbers, the user enters n numbers, e.g., the prices of a list of n items.

Here is the "non-web" version of the application:

def allCosts(itemList: List[String]): Int = itemList match {
   case Nil => 0
   case x :: rest => inputNumber("Cost of item " + x + ":") + allCosts(rest)
val testData: List[String] = List("banana", "apple", "orange")

def test = println("Total sum: " + allCosts(testData))

This version of allCosts is clearly not web-friendly, because it uses inputNumber, which we do not know how to implement for the web.

The first thing to observe is that on its own, allCosts is not a complete program: it doesn't do anything unless it is called with actual arguments! Instead, it is a library procedure that may be used in many different contexts. Because it has a web interaction, however, there is the danger that at the point of interaction, the rest of the computation -- that is, the computation that invoked allCosts -- will be lost. To prevent this, allCosts must consume an extra argument, a continuation, that represents the rest of the pending computation. To signify this change in contract, we will use the convention of appending _k to the name of the procedure and k to name the continuation parameter.

Here is a first attempt to define allCosts_k.

 def allCosts_k(itemList: List[String], k: Int => Nothing): Nothing = itemList match {
   case Nil => 0
   case x :: rest => webread_k("Cost of item " + x + ":", n => n + allCosts_k(rest, k))

This may look reasonable, but it suffers from an immediate problem. When the recursive call occurs, if the list had two or more elements, then there will immediately be another web interaction. Because this will terminate the program, the pending addition will be lost! Therefore, the addition of n has to move into the continuation fed to allCosts_k. In code:

def allCosts_k(itemList: List[String], k: Int => Nothing): Nothing = itemList match {
   case Nil => 0
   case x :: rest => webread_k("Cost of item " + x + ":", n => allCosts_k(rest, m => k(m + n)))

That is, the receiver of the web interaction is invoked with the cost of the first item. When allCosts_k is invoked recursively, it is applied to the rest of the list. Its receiver must therefore receive the tally of costs of the remaining items. That explains the pattern in the receiver.

The only problem is, where does a continuation ever get a value? We create larger-and-larger continuations on each recursive invocation, but what ever invokes them?

Here is the same problem from a different angle (that also answers the question above). Notice that each recursive invocation of allCosts_k takes place in the aftermath of a web interaction. We have already seen how the act of web interaction terminates the pending computation. Therefore, when the list empties, where is the value 0 going? Presumably to the pending computation, but there is none. Any computation that would have been pending has now been recorded in k, which is expecting a value. Therefore, the correct transformation of this procedure is:

def allCosts_k(itemList: List[String], k: Int => Nothing): Nothing = itemList match {
   case Nil => k(0)
   case x :: rest => webread_k("Cost of item " + x + ":", n => allCosts_k(rest, m => k(m + n)))

def testweb = allCosts_k(testData, m => webdisplay("Total sum: " + m))

Let's now consider the case that we have used a library function for the iteration in allCosts, namely the map function, which we replicate here.

def map[S, T](c: List[S], f: S => T): List[T] = c match {
  case Nil => Nil
  case x :: rest => f(x) :: map(rest, f)

Using map, we can rephrase allCosts as follows.

def allCosts2(itemList: List[String]): Int =
  map(itemList, (x: String) => inputNumber("Cost of item " + x + ":")).sum

What if we we want to use map in allCosts_k?

Just using webread_k in place of inputNumber will not work, since webread_k expects an additional parameter. Obviously we must somehow modify the definition of map. But what can we pass as second parameter in the call to f?

Insight: We must perform the "web transformation" to map as well. We call the result map_k. Here is the code:

def map_k[S, T](c: List[S], f: (S, T => Nothing) => Nothing, k: List[T] => Nothing): Nothing = c match {
   case Nil => k(Nil)
   case x :: rest => f(x, t => map_k(rest, f, (tr: List[T]) => k(t :: tr)))

def allCosts2_k(itemList: List[String], k: Int => Nothing): Nothing =
         (x: String, k2: Int => Nothing) =>
           webread_k("Cost of item " + x + ":", k2),
         (l: List[Int]) => k(l.sum))

Implications of the "web transformation":

  1. We had to make decisions about the order of evaluation. That is, we had to choose whether to evaluate the left or the right argument of addition first. This was an issue we had specified only implicitly earlier; if our evaluator had chosen to evaluate arguments right-to-left, the web program at the beginning of this document would have asked for the second argument before the first! We have made this left-to-right order of evaluation explicit in our transformation.

  2. The transformation we use is global, namely it (potentially) affects all the procedures in the program by forcing them all to consume an extra continuation as an argument. We usually don't have a choice as to whether or not to transform a procedure. Suppose f invokes g and g invokes h, and we transform f to f_k but don't transform g or h. Now when f_k invokes g and g invokes h, suppose h consumes input from the web. At this point the program terminates, but the last continuation procedure (necessary to resume the computation when the user supplies an input) is the one given to f_k, with all record of g and h lost.

  3. This transformation sequentializes the program. Given a nested expression, it forces the programmer to choose which sub-expression to evaluate first (a consequence of the first point above); further, every subsequent operation lies in the continuation, which in turn picks the first expression to evaluate, pushing all other operations into its continuation; and so forth. The net result is a program that looks an awful lot like a traditional procedural program. This suggests that this series of transformations can be used to compile a program in a language like Scheme into one in a language like C!