Church Encodings

The content of this chapter is available as a Scala file here.

Today we shrink our language. It does not seem to be big, but today we want to illustrate how powerful our core language, the lambda calculus, is. Here is a shrinked version of FAE that does not even have numbers anymore. For testing purposes, we introduce a new expression PrintDot whose semantics is to print a dot on the screen.

enum Exp:
  case Id(name: String)
  case Fun(param: String, body: Exp)
  case Ap(funExpr: Exp, argExpr: Exp)
  case PrintDot()

object Exp:
  implicit def id2exp(s: String): Exp = Id(s)

import Exp._

abstract class Value
type Env = Map[String, Value]
// the only values are closures
case class ClosureV(f: Fun, env: Env) extends Value

Notice that the only values in this language are closures. This means that there cannot be the situation anymore that we expect, say, a number but get in fact a closure. Hence, this language has the fascinating property that no dynamic type errors can occur.

def eval(e: Exp, env: Env): Value = e match {
  // We give the identity function as dummy value for PrintDot
  case PrintDot() => print("."); ClosureV(Fun("x", "x"), Map.empty)
  case Id(x) => env(x)
  case f@Fun(param, body) => ClosureV(f, env)
  case Ap(f, a) => eval(f, env) match {
    case ClosureV(f, closureEnv) => eval(f.body, closureEnv + (f.param -> eval(a, env)))

Now we want to illustrate that we can, in principle, bootstrap a full programming language from this small core. To do so, we use the technique of Church encoding. This means that each datum is represented by its own fold function.

Church Encoding of Booleans

Let's start with booleans and boolean arithmetic.

val f = Fun("t", Fun("f", "f"))  // false
val t = Fun("t", Fun("f", "t"))  // true
val and = Fun("a", Fun("b", Ap(Ap("a", "b"), "a")))
val or = Fun("a", Fun("b", Ap(Ap("a", "a"), "b")))
val not = Fun("a", Fun("t", Fun("f", Ap(Ap("a", "f"), "t"))))

We can now write our own control structures, such as if/then/else

val ifthenelse = Fun("cond", Fun("t", Fun("f", Ap(Ap("cond", "t"), "f"))))

Church Encoding of Numbers

Let's now consider Numbers. We encode them as Peano numbers. These encodings of numbers are often called Church numbers.

val zero = Fun("s", Fun("z", "z"))
val succ = Fun("n", Fun("s", Fun("z", Ap("s", Ap(Ap("n", "s"), "z")))))
val one = Ap(succ, zero)
val two = Ap(succ, one)
val three = Ap(succ, two)
val add  = Fun("a", Fun("b", Fun("s", Fun("z", Ap(Ap("a", "s"), Ap(Ap("b", "s"), "z"))))))
val mult = Fun("a", Fun("b", Fun("s", Fun("z", Ap(Ap("a", Ap("b", "s")), "z")))))
val exp  = Fun("a", Fun("b", Ap(Ap("b", Ap(mult, "a")), one)))
val iszero = Fun("a", Ap(Ap("a", Fun("x", f)), t))

The predecessor function is more complicated (why?). We do not show it here. For testing, here is a function that prints a unary representation of a number.

val printnum = Fun("a", Ap(Ap("a", Fun("x", PrintDot())), f))

Church encoding of lists

Again straightforward, except "tail", which we do not show here. It needs the same kind of trick (called "pairing trick") as the predecessor function.

val emptylist = Fun("c", Fun("e", "e"))
val cons = Fun("h", Fun("r", Fun("c", Fun("e", Ap(Ap("c", "h"), Ap(Ap("r", "c"), "e"))))))
val head = Fun("l", Ap(Ap("l", Fun("h", Fun("t", "h"))), f))

For instance, we can multiply all numbers in a list

val multlist = Fun("l", Ap(Ap("l", mult), one))

Here is the list 3, 2, 3:

val list323 = Ap(Ap(cons, three), Ap(Ap(cons, two), Ap(Ap(cons, three), emptylist)))

val test = Ap(printnum, Ap(multlist, list323))

Calling exec should yield 18 dots before the dummy result

val exec = eval(test, Map.empty)
// ..................
// exec: Value = ClosureV(
//   f = Fun(param = "x", body = Id(name = "x")),
//   env = Map()
// )

Topic for class discussion: Can we do these encodings directly in Scala or Haskell?