First-Class Continuations

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Today's goal is to formalize first-class continuations as illustrated by Scheme's let/cc construct. In the previous lecture we have learned why first class continuations are a powerful language construct. Today we learn the semantics of first-class continuations by extending our interpreter to support let/cc. Here is the abstract syntax of the language extended with Letcc:

enum Exp:
  case Num(n: Int)
  case Id(name: String)
  case Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp)
  case Fun(param: String, body: Exp)
  case Ap(funExpr: Exp, argExpr: Exp)
  /** The abstract syntax of Letcc is as follows */
  case Letcc(param: String, body: Exp)

object Exp:
  implicit def num2exp(n: Int): Exp = Num(n)
  implicit def id2exp(s: String): Exp = Id(s)

But how do we implement Letcc? How do we get hold of the rest of the computation of the object (=interpreted) program? One idea would be to CPS-transform the object program. Then we would have the current continuation available and could store it in environments etc. However, we want to give a direct semantics to first-class continuations, without first transforming the object program.

Insight: If we CPS-transform the interpreter, the continuation of the interpreter also represents, in some way, the continuation of the object program. The difference is that it represents what's left to do in the interpreter and not in the object program. However, what is left in the interpreter is what is left in the object program.

Hence, we are faced with two tasks:

  1. CPS-transform the interpreter
  2. add a branch for Letcc to the interpreter.

Let's start with the standard infrastructure of values and environments.

sealed abstract class Value
type Env = Map[String, Value]
case class NumV(n: Int) extends Value
case class ClosureV(f: Fun, env: Env) extends Value

How do we represent values that represent continuations? Since we want to represent an object-language continuation by a meta-language continuation, we need to be able to wrap a meta-language continuation as an object-language value. This continuation will always accept some other object-language value:

case class ContV(f: Value => Nothing) extends Value

We also need a syntactic construct to apply continuations. One way to provide such a construct would be to add a new syntactic category of continuation application. We will instead do what Scheme and other languages also do: We overload the normal function-applicaton construct and also use it for application of continuations.

This means that we will need a case distinction in our interpreter whether the function argument is a closure or a continuation. Let's now study the interpreter for our new language. The branches for Num, Id, Add, and Fun are straightforward applications of the CPS transformation technique we already know.

def eval(e: Exp, env: Env, k: Value => Nothing): Nothing = e match {
  case Num(n: Int) => k(NumV(n))
  case Id(x) => k(env(x))
  case Add(l, r) => {
    eval(l, env, lv =>
        eval(r, env, rv =>
          (lv, rv) match {
            case (NumV(v1), NumV(v2)) => k(NumV(v1 + v2))
            case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
  case f@Fun(param, body) => k(ClosureV(f, env))

  /* In the application case we now need to distinguish whether the first argument
   * is a closure or a continuation. If it is a continuation, we ignore the
   * current continuation k and "jump" to the stored continuation by applying the
   * evaluated continuation argument to it. */
  case Ap(f, a) => eval(f, env, cl => cl match {
            case ClosureV(f, closureEnv) => eval(a, env, av => eval(f.body, closureEnv + (f.param -> av), k))
            case ContV(f) => eval(a, env, av => f(av))
            case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
  /* Letcc is now surprisingly simple: We continue the evaluation in the body in an
   * extended environment in which param is bound to the current continuation k,
   * wrapped as a value using ContV. */
  case Letcc(param, body) => eval(body, env + (param -> ContV(k)), k)

To make it easier to experiment with the interpreter this code provides the right initialization to eval. We have to give eval a continuation which represents the rest of the computation after eval is done. A small technical problem arises due to our usage of the return type Nothing for continuations, to emphasize that they do not return: The only way to implement a value that has this type is a function that does indeed not return. We do so by letting this function throw an exception. To keep track of the returned value we store it temporarily in a variable, catch the exception, and return the stored value.

def starteval(e: Exp): Value = {
  var res: Value = null
  val s: Value => Nothing = (v) => { res = v; sys.error("program terminated") }
  try { eval(e, Map.empty, s) } catch { case e: Throwable => () }

Finally a small test of Letcc.

val testprog = Add(1, Letcc("k", Add(2, Ap("k", 3))))

assert(starteval(testprog) == NumV(4))

Here's a little quiz about Letcc:

Enable JavaScript to see the quiz

What is the result of the following expression?

    Add(Letcc("k", Add(3, Ap("k", 1))), 4)  
NumV(8) The addition of 3 is discarded. NumV(5) NumV(1) Don't forget the addition of 4. NumV(4) The captured continuation is the addition of 4.
Which of the following assertions about let/cc are correct? let/cc captures the whole remaining computation. If the current continuation is not used in the body, then let/cc behaves as if it was not there. The captured continuation is always used in the body of let/cc. It can also be discarded. let/cc is a control operator for delimited continuations. The captured continuation is undelimited.