Recursive Functions
The content of this chapter is available as a Scala file here.
Let's try to write a function that computes the sum of the first \( n \) integers. Let's pretend we do not know that the sum of the
first \( n \) integers is \( n * (n + 1) / 2 \) and instead compute the sum in a loop. Let's try to do this in FAE (with If0
val sumattempt = wth("sum", Fun("n", If0("n", 0, Add("n", Ap("sum", Add("n", -1))))), Ap("sum", 10))
won't work and yield an unbound identifier error (why?). An alternative would be to use a variant of the
y combinator to support recursion properly, but today we want to talk about direct support for recursion. More specifically,
we want a language construct Letrec
that is similar to with
, except that the bound String can be used in the expression
the String is bound to:
Letrec(x: String, e: Exp, body: Exp)
With this new construct our language looks like this:
object Syntax {
enum Exp:
case Num(n: Int)
case Id(name: String)
case Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp)
case If0(cond: Exp, thenExp: Exp, elseExp: Exp)
case Fun(param: String, body: Exp)
case Ap(funExpr: Exp, argExpr: Exp)
case Letrec(x: String, e: Exp, body: Exp)
object Exp:
implicit def num2exp(n: Int): Exp = Num(n)
implicit def id2exp(s: String): Exp = Id(s)
def wth(x: String, xdef: Exp, body: Exp): Exp = Ap(Fun(x, body), xdef)
import Syntax._
import Exp._
Using Letrec
, our example can be expressed as follows.
val sum = Letrec("sum", Fun("n", If0("n", 0, Add("n", Ap("sum", Add("n", -1))))), Ap("sum", 10))
Let's now consider the semantics of Letrec
. Consider the evaluation of Letrec(x, e, body)
in an environment env
What environment should we use to evaluate e
and body
, respectively? Using env
for e
will produce a ClosureV(Fun("n", ..."sum"'...), env)
and hence the environment when evaluating body will be envbody = env + (x -> ClosureV(Fun("n", ..."sum"...), env))
This is bad, because the env
in the closure does not contain a binding for "sum"
and hence the recursive invocation will fail.
The environment in the closure must contain a mapping for "sum"
. Hence envbody should look like
envbody = env + (x -> ClosureV(Fun("n", ..."sum"...),
env + ("sum" -> ClosureV(Fun("n", ..."sum"...), env)))
This looks better, but now the second closure contains an environment with no binding of "sum"
. What we need is an environment
that satisfies the equation:
envbody == env + (x -> ClosureV(Fun("n", ..."sum"..), envbody))
Obviously envbody must be circular
. There are different ways to create such a circular environment. We will choose mutation to create
a circle. More specifically, we introduce a mutable pointer to a value class ValuePointer
which will be initialized with a null pointer.
In the Letrec
case, we put such a ValuePointer
in the environment and evaluate the (recursive) expression in that environment.
Then we update the pointer with the result of evaluating that expression.
The only other change we need to make is to dereference a potential value pointer in the Id
case. We deal with the necessary case
distinction by a polymorphic value
Due to the mutual recursion between ValueHolder
and Value
the definitions are put into an object.
object Values {
trait ValueHolder {
def value: Value
sealed abstract class Value extends ValueHolder { def value = this }
case class ValuePointer(var v: Value) extends ValueHolder { def value = v }
case class NumV(n: Int) extends Value
case class ClosureV(f: Fun, env: Env) extends Value
type Env = Map[String, ValueHolder]
import Values._ // such that we do not have to write Values.ValueHolder etc.
The interpreter is unchanged except for the additional Letrec
case and the modified Id
def eval(e: Exp, env: Env): Value = e match {
case Num(n: Int) => NumV(n)
case Id(x) => env(x).value // dereference potential ValuePointer
case If0(cond, thenExp, elseExp) => eval(cond, env) match {
case NumV(0) => eval(thenExp, env)
case _ => eval(elseExp, env)
case Add(l, r) => {
(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) match {
case (NumV(v1), NumV(v2)) => NumV(v1 + v2)
case _ => sys.error("can only add numbers")
case f@Fun(param, body) => ClosureV(f, env)
case Ap(f, a) => eval(f, env) match {
case ClosureV(f, closureEnv) => eval(f.body, closureEnv + (f.param -> eval(a, env)))
case _ => sys.error("can only apply functions")
case Letrec(x, e, body) => {
val vp = ValuePointer(null) // initialize pointer with null
val newenv = env + (x -> vp) // evaluate e in the environment extended with the placeholder
vp.v = eval(e, newenv) // create the circle in the environment
eval(body, newenv) // evaluate body in circular environment
The sum of numbers from 1 to 10 should be 55.
assert(eval(sum, Map.empty) == NumV(55))
// These test cases were contributed by rzhxeo (Sebastian Py)
var func = Fun("n", If0("n", 0, Ap("func", Add("n", -1))))
var test1 = Letrec("func", func, Ap("func", 1))
var test2 = Letrec("func", Ap(Fun("notUsed", func), 0), Ap("func", 1))
assert(eval(test1, Map()) == NumV(0))
assert(eval(test2, Map()) == NumV(0))